The honor of Hoi An

The honor of Hoi An

Hội An, among Asia's top 10 most peaceful destinations

If you are looking for a quiet place to relax, temporarily get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, enjoy the fresh air of nature, discover the beauty of culture - history through architectural works, and enjoy delicious local cuisine, then Hội An will definitely be an ideal destination.

From above, the beautiful city with ancient architecture that is preserved almost intact is nestled on the poetic Thu Bồn river. Tourists visiting Hội An seem to return to the past - the brilliant period of a bustling commercial port. Let's take a walk around the shady streets, admire the old houses, visit sacred temples and pagodas. And don't forget to stop at the Japanese Covered Bridge for some stunning shots. You can also relax on nearby beautiful beaches such as Cửa Đại, An Bàng, etc.

Visitors to Vietnam should not overlook the unique local delicacies, because each region has its own culinary features and charm. Foodies visiting Hội An must try the famous specialties here; such as Cao Lầu, Quảng noodles, chicken rice, etc. 

Other destinations on The Travel's list include: Moofushi (Maldives), Siem Reap (Cambodia), Batad (Philippines), Phuket (Thailand), Si Phan Don (Laos), Koyasan (Japan), Inle Lake (Myanmar), Penang (Malaysia) and Bali (Indonesia).

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